Bible Colleges in India
Numerous Bible schools and seminaries throughout the world have invited STS instructors to introduce oral strategies and Simply The Story to their faculty and students. The invitations to lead week-long workshops in these institutions of higher learning continue to come to us.
Here and there, STS is being woven into curriculum and being offered as a course. We are prayerfully on the lookout for academicians and those skilled in curriculum development to assist in formatting the existing teaching material of STS into a standard curriculum style.
Included here are two reports from Bible Colleges in India.
A number of years ago the South India Bible College first used STS in a summer ministry outreach in the slums. They saw such an excellent response in the slums that the school director decided to included STS as a full class.
As they saw deep impact on their students, the school asked us to lead a training in the seminary. By God’s grace, that training went very well and both Bachelor and Master’s degree students at South India Seminary showed great interest in learning STS.
Grace Bible College, the largest Bible school in India, now uses STS as part of their curricula.
Their staff state has reported, “Our graduate evangelists are seeing greater responses to the Gospel and growth of the village believers than ever before.” What’s more, “the evangelists themselves, who have been trained in and use God’s Story and STS, show a deeper walk with the Lord and better understanding of the Bible than our previous graduates.”