Faith & Insight
We asked a friend of our ministry to share experiences she has had with her children when using STS. This is what she shared.
Well, my favorite experience would have to be last year when I was learning the story "Jacob becomes Israel," to tell the children at church, the Holy Spirit prompted me to practice telling it to my three year old, so I did. Here's my FB post from later that day:
"My sweet little girl said a sweet little prayer today (after listening to me tell the Bible story of God changing Jacob's name to Israel). She asked if we could pray, and said, "Jesus, please be in charge of me," which we translated as her inviting Jesus to be her Lord.
Then, on the way to church tonight, her older sister wanted to listen to "In Christ Alone." As the song is playing, Marirose pipes up "See Mommy, I told you that God died!" I laughed and asked her if she knew why. She shook her head, so Abigail and I got to explain what it meant that Jesus was also our Savior. She affirmed that she believed the story of His death and resurrection and that this morning she had been inviting Him to live in her heart.
In short, it was a beautiful day with my beautiful girl 💖."
My other favorite is that one time when my oldest was not listening to my instructions, I quickly pulled out the story of Moses striking the rock and not being able to enter the Promised Land. She listened politely, but when I got to the part of the story where Moses' consequence was dying, asked innocently, "But Mom, wouldn't going to heaven be better than going anywhere on Earth?" I had to laugh! She had a point. I was trying to teach her something about how to treat authority respectfully, but she helped me see the enormity of God's grace in a whole new light. Sometimes, God uses the foolish things of this world to confound "the wise."