Stay the Course
Prayer & Praise Report #6, October-November 2019
As I reflect upon 2019, we have much to be thankful for. We see the hand of God around the world, not just with our ministry but also with so many ministries.
Discipleship Growth among Refugees
Simply The Story oral Bible schools continue to grow in refugee camps throughout Uganda and Kenya. Amazingly, the expansion is owned by refugees themselves, and their testimonies continue to amaze me. A recent video testimony came to me from the Tikka Camp in Northeastern Uganda, known for having many witch doctors.
In the video, James shared that he used to insult people, wouldn't help them, and even hated them. However, his life changed after engaging with the Word of God from the blind Bartimaeus story in Mark 10:46-52.
James faced many challenges in his village and was about to give up, but he recognized that this blind man Bartimaeus continued to cry out to
Jesus, even with so many challenges. James said, "I want to be like him" referring to Bartimaeus.
We encourage you to watch this short video on our YouTube channel, "Simply The Story Official Channel" or here:
This year we started a partnership with a highly successful children’s ministry throughout Africa. After advising the ministry in their new children's manual, we began testing the combination of our STS Oral Bible Schools with their children's training, giving people of all ages an opportunity to engage with the Lord through his Word.
During the initial steps, we learned that many churches have approximately 18-‐19 hours of programs geared towards adults and only 1 or 2 hours for children. Along with so few hours, many teachers are untrained. We believe this children's program will be instrumental in changing the tide of children growing up and walking away from the Lord God. Our first two week test has already birthed eight children's clubs.
We look forward to seeing how the Lord leads this partnership and hope to reveal this program and other children’s materials in 2020. Please pray with us for this partnership to deepen and grow for the glory of the Lord.
Conversational Bible Stories – Video Series
Earlier this year we completed a mini STS marketplace video training series. In the series we teach a conversational approach to Simply The Story. Viewers are shown how to engage those they meet in a shortened, 5-‐minute, Bible story and discussion. Even though we teach this as a 5-‐minute conversational model, most of the time when I have shared a Bible story with someone I just met, they have wanted to continue talking about the story, often times for
40-‐50 minutes! Check out the series at and select the “Moment For Eternity” collection. We will continue to release the rest of the series every Tuesday over the month of December.
While traveling home from Boston recently I met two ladies in my row of seats on the plane. The conversation ranged from shopping to work, and many other topics. Eventually they asked what I did, which changed the direction of the conversation altogether. By the time the hour flight landed in Newark, both the ladies, who were
practicing Catholics, agreed to do a Bible story with me over
the phone. They also said it was OK to record the discussion for an upcoming Heart Pocket Podcast.
An amazing Staff!
I don’t often share about our office staff, who continue to work tirelessly behind the scenes. Each one is special and has given much of their time without pay. They are clearly devoted to the vision the Lord has given us. This past year, each member of our office staff has faced some kind of medical issue in their own life or that of their family members. Our office staff provides critical support to the functioning of this ministry. Their efforts allow me, and our leaders in the field, to focus on the vision and direction of the ministry as a whole. Please remember them in your prayers.
In November, several of our top global leaders met for a two day prayer and planning retreat. We sought the Lord for His will in the direction of this ministry and how to face the challenges of our day and age. Truly the Lord gave us guidance. Please pray for us as we implement the next steps.
Staying the Course
The following story came to us from a woman who walks the streets just to help people find Christ. She shares Bible stories and cookies with the homeless.
"Sarah", a new homeless contact and a believer for many years, stays on the streets to share Jesus with others. She was very close to her unbelieving grandmother, witnessing to her for years. However, her grandma would not listen. One day, "Sarah's" mother called to share that "Sarah's" grandma was in the nursing home and near death.
"Sarah" drove the long distance to see her grandma. "Sarah" shared the story of Nicodemus and all of John 1-‐3, begging her unresponsive grandma to receive Jesus as Savior. Suddenly, her grandma sat up straight, looked ahead, and then immediately passed away.
Later "Sarah" described the incident to her mom, thinking that her grandmother died never accepting Jesus. Her mother shared that following her grandmother's stroke a while ago; she went to visit the grandmother. "Sarah’s" mom noticed that the grandmother desperately wanted to communicate, but found it difficult. So she gave her a paper and pen and then watched.
The grandmother wrote with great difficulty a capital "J." At first "Sarah’s" mom thought it was for their grandpa John. The grandmother wrote another letter, "e". Then she wrote an “s". The mother asked, "Jesus, Mom? You want me to tell you about Jesus?" The grandmother communicated in the positive. "Sarah's" mom gave the Gospel message of S salvation, asked the right questions, and prayed aloud with her grandma who was listening attentively before going to sleep.
May this encourage all of us stay the course and never give up on our loved ones.
We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a glorious New Year in the Lord. Andrea and all the TGSP Staff