Non-Literate Tribals
Praise & Prayer Report #2, March-May 2010
Dear Friends of God’s Story,
Many events for which we praise God are in this report and prayer is needed … as always!
Nepal: “The GODs story is the greatest tool to reach the urban and rural people of Nepal. It has been watched from the remote village to the Prime Minister’s office in the capital. I am in the far west Nepal, training few leaders for STS where there was no church, now there are 11 churches. Praise the Lord.
“These fellowships are due to the connection with local stations broadcasting Christian programs and we are providing follow up materials i.e. God’s Story Video CD. Every month we are sending more than 400 CDs to remote areas.
“We, along with the radio groups, have received numbers of letter telling that they have started house groups as the result of radio program. They are the ones saved and meeting in what they call “Jesus Clubs.” These new believers live remote and have no believers nearby. They love the stories. One man walked two days to learn more about Jesus.”
Panama and Non-Literate Tribals STS leader in Ireland: “The training opportunities and demand for Bible storytelling continues without break. YWAM in Panama invited me to lead a workshop there. It was exciting to lead that “jungle STS”, training of some sixteen people in that country. Six of them were from four indigenous Panamanian tribes, and there was even a 100% Mohawk Indian from Canada learning with us!
“It never ceases to amaze me how this STS training is so cross-cultural and so applicable to any people group I have met so far! We had people, who are not used to thinking critically, not only doing that by the end of 5 days but also putting together some powerful and incisive observation and application questions by the end of the course. “
Supplement has more on Non-Literate Indigenous Become Critical Thinkers
Haiti: Over 1,000 donated solar audio players formatted with God’s Story in Haitian Creole and French made their way to earthquake victims in Haiti. Most were transported there on one of the Friendships’ vessels. The players, and scores of God’s Story DVDs, were distributed by Christians as they gave aid and ministered to the Haitians.
“We have used the mega voices like they were gold. We have given quite a few out to older people that do not speak any English. Just this week we (the Mennonite ladies and myself) met some older ladies on donkeys up in the mountains and we were able to give them one each.
"We have given some to visiting teams that are going into remote areas as well and they have found that they are great.
"I also give them to any police officer that stops me on the road. We show them how they work each time and the local pastor in Simonette uses his one quite a lot to play in between Sunday school and church.”
USA: Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa- Close to 200 attended a two-weekend STS workshop. This was a blessed time with very hands-on lovers of God’s Word. Since God’s Story premiered in that very church, it felt like a homecoming to us!
A highly educated man at the Costs Mesa workshop had been saved late in life. He wrote “I have seen….and have subsequently listened to God’s Story several times. God’s Story and STS are two of those things that beg the question, “What took us so long?” This is how God’s word got to us in the first place, and it is obviously how He intended us to receive it…..personally.
“I totally loved meeting you and your staff. Though the experience was brutal for someone who lives out on the far reaches of the literacy tail of the population, it was incredibly eye opening. It is purity and it is truth.”
In Costa Mesa, one seasoned children’s worker with 40 plus years of experience told us, “I am absolutely in awe of this incredible method of imparting God’s Word…I’ve used STS in the after school program with children from secular school and they remembered and retold stories from 4 weeks back …. and made personal applications!"
From Bible Translator in Thailand: We just heard that during the devotion time for the XXX translation team, that they are practicing telling stories! From time to time their church used to have a Wed evening prayer meeting, but that wasn't happening for about the past year. After your workshop here, they started up again, and have focused on practicing story telling, using your methods. This could be a great boost to them beginning to use the XXX Scriptures more personally.
USA: A lady who bought God’s Story in 2001 told us she has used GS all these years with new their member’s class at church. “New members come in knowing hardly anything, and God's Story is easy to watch, simple for them to understand, and covers the basic principles of the Bible.”
In South East Asia in restricted county: “Greetings in Jesus name. Thank you for every thing especially for your prayer support. We used STS method and the Mega Voice. On April 13 - 17, we conduct a camp and there are 170 people were attended. And we make a small group too. Moreover, we play the Mega Voice for them to listen the Story again and again.
”In each group 4/5 people asked the questions. There were 13 people accepted Christ and took baptism by God grace. We thank you for those who are helping, donating these tools for the Kingdom of God. My the Lord bless you abundantly. Constantly remember in prayer for us, we need the DVD player and 3 Mega Voice more.
Lausanne: We ask prayer for our Africa Director, Bram... M. Bram... has been invited to be the plenary speaker for oral strategies at the upcoming Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Cape Town South Africa. This young leader has arranged the production of numerous languages of God’s Story in Africa and planted STS in over 20 countries of Africa.
Ethiopia An Amazing Workshop: Above 90% are oral communicators. The pastor who set it up has 332 churches in 7 villages in the region. All of them are Oromo speakers (though different dialects). These are his words;
Age made no difference. Over 100 Years Old! |
“I have been impacted by the STS. Before I was telling stories, but not like the way you have trained us. Our community is an oral one and they pass information to each other in story forms. STS is very ideal for us.
"I want to request that you help us in this kind workshop in other places we have planted churches.
"You just gave us 12 of the audio players with God’s Story. So each will be shared among 27 churches. Please help us the way you can” Pastor D
One group comprised of government workers and students attended from 5:00 am to 7: 45 am and then from 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm. A different group came during the day from 8:30am to 5:00pm.
[Now that is a dedicated staff!]
"These two old ladies in Ethiopia could not be left out. The one on the left is above 100 years. It was amazing as she retold the story of Abram in Egypt. Though she could not remember the names of places, she told the stories with such accuracy.
"She said, 'I did not go to school any time of my life. I knew Jesus loves me, but I did not know how to tell others about him. Thank you preacher for showing us about stories. Now I will tell others His stories before I die."'
"As they received players, they had this to say. “Women in our community are not educated, especially those old like us. Men just marry our girls and they don’t want to educate them.
"Now I will tell others his stories before I die."
"'We talk about many things as women in the markets and at home when we meet.
Now that we can hear God speak to us in our language, we will be telling His story. In fact we have already started telling the stories to our families before even the preacher goes back to his homeland. This ‘radio’ speaks to me the word of God. It is god speaking to me and to us.'" “We will tell the stories of Jesus. Please come many times and teach us more stories.”
TGSP USA: We need prayer as our Hemet headquarters is the narrow part of the funnel. We have some donated computers (awesome IMAX) on desks in our “expanded” office building. The computers await God’s appointed people to come join us. Need help in shipping. Requires basic computer skill and a person who loves seeing details are right.
TGSP USA cont... Other opportunities could be layout, art, data entry, letter writing, phone vision casting of TGSP and STS, recording, cleaning of recordings, assorted office admin skills or web site design/management experience. Most needs at headquarters require basic to advanced computer experience.
We offer no pay and lots of work…and the daily delightful experience of peering through our office periscope with wonder at how God is using God’s Story and Simply The Story around the world.
Workshops: Since Feb, God opened the door to plant STS for the first time in Niger, Panama and Lesotho, and multiple workshops took place in 12 different countries including 3 locations in USA. Upcoming workshops are scheduled in the next few months for the new countries of Turkey, Israel and South Africa. (These are workshops led by our first tier leaders. Beyond that, who knows how many trainings will take place.)
Up coming workshops to be held In July in Running Springs, CA and in September right after the International Orality Network in GA near Atlanta and in Grand Rapids area in September and November. KY and MO pending for the end of 2010. Hemet, CA is set for January 2011. See web site or contact office for details on USA workshops.
STS Bible schools have increased to twelve, ten now in session. This 6-months course requires no faculty or facility, and students, mostly non-literate, learn 100-200 Bible stories. For poor or non-readers this puts the Bible within reach, and into hearts. Discussions on starting two schools in USA are ongoing.
Nepal: [After 4 months of school] “We have started an oral Bible school in Mudabas Nawalparasi with 12 students in it, These 12 students have learnt 125 stories in total and have started at least 18 new fellowship during their study time.
"In their own words, ‘Bible is more conversational, where GOD talked to the People or people talk to GOD like we talk in family.’ They never attended any Bible school and have now learnt stories and can share with others from the word of GOD and bring them to the fold.”
New Practitioners Audio Training (PAT) is being tested: So far there is GREAT excitement from those who have tested it. This is yet another way to train people in STS.
It seems that no matter how many workshops we lead, we cannot keep up with the interest! We are extremely thankful that STS workshops are running on their own and led by national leaders in multiple countries …. but, for example, in Africa, our director estimates that they are responding to 10% of the requests for workshops.
Considering most workshops are staffed and financially supported by locals, this is extremely exciting. Local ownership is part of our DNA!
So now, to try to keep up with the requests in learning STS, we have designed this new audio training as yet another way to hand off a powerful style of preparing and sharing Scripture.
CD of sample stories available for $5 including Shipping & Handlng
We thank God for your prayer and support.
In His service,
Dorothy A. Miller
Supplement: The God’ Story Project / Simply the Story Prayer & Praise Report #2 of 2010
MORE on Children’s Responses and Retirement Ministry;
Six people from Costa Mesa Calvary Chapel attended our CA workshop in January. They began using STS immediately in various ministries, including retirement homes and outreaches to children in secular schools.
Pat, who ministers in retirement homes, reported, “We did four weeks in the book of Jonah. Even those with Alzheimer’s remembered the stories each week and participated in the discussion. They all love this way of learning Bible.”
Judy, Pat’s wife, teaches children in weekly release-time for children in secular schools. They have 45 minutes at lunch time to: walk the children across the street to a mobile classroom that they trailer to the school, feed the kids, teach them and return them to school! Judy shared, “I tried telling a story and asking questions STS style and it worked! For the first time, we can cover the whole lesson in the 20 minutes that is actually all the teaching time we end up having. But also, now the children are engaging more and they have been going home and telling the stories to their families!
A vivacious lady with 40 years experience in teaching children told us, “I decided to give it a try in our after-school Bible club that we do 2 ½ hours once a week. These 4th graders come mostly from dysfunctional low-income families that are illiterate and bi-lingual.
After using STS a month, I asked my students if anyone could tell me the story we learned together four weeks previously. I was in shock as nearly all of the hands shot in the air; all the children wanted to tell me the story of Jesus as a Boy. One told the story, and as well they all told the personal applications that had previously been discovered. Afterwards, they told the three other week’s stories.
What really blessed me in using STS with the children was when I saw the Holy Spirit teach the children through a story. We talked about Mary’s last recorded words in the Bible when Jesus turned the water into wine. I asked the children “If today Mary said those words to you, ‘Whatever He tells you to do, do it,’ what would you do?” They discussed this awhile and decided the words of Jesus are the most important for them to follow, so they didn’t need to pray to Mary anymore.”
MORE about The Physician and The Discarded Lady;
The Woodlands, Texas workshop outside Houston was held in a very large church led by highly trained seminarians. One evening the board of elders met. A physician on the board decided to use the story he had worked on during STS for their devotions. He told the Lost Axe Head story of 2 Kings 6, and then led an in-depth discussion that lasted a whole hour - and everyone loved it!
Another attendee, a lady that, by looks, seemed not to fit with the congregation, intrigued me. She looked like a person who had been battered by life. Turned out she was a Katrina victim that this church had adopted. The people there had loved on her for almost a year, but up until the workshop, during church functions and Bible studies, she didn’t talk. Amazingly, during the small group time of exploring for treasures in a story, this discarded lady spoke out loud some. The church people who knew her were amazed. Finally, on the last day of the 5-day training, she announced, “I will tell a story!” She did not commit to leading the discussion on the story; someone else in her group would do that part. So, when storytellers rotated to tell their stories to a new group, this extremely withdrawn lady did tell the Bible story.
After that came the time for each small study group to select a story to tell and dramatize for the evening grand finale. One person tells the story, while the rest of the group silently acts it out in front of everyone. Wonder of wonders, the once beaten down lady volunteered to tell the story! Not only that, when the evening came, she brought her Down’s-syndrome daughter. When we saw 70 plus people in the audience, we realized that the storyteller would have to use a microphone; for a withdrawn person, this presented an added hill to climb! We all watch in awe, some even in tears, as mom told the story, over the microphone and her daughter took part in the drama! The STS way of empowering people gave this broken lady that courage to speak God’s Word. God is no respecter of persons!
MORE on Translated Scriptures Taught With Understanding:
“Before [you came to Thailand and led the STS workshop] the style they used to teach Bible did not engage the listeners. Only those who were perceived as 'leaders' ever said anything. I think the others felt they weren't supposed to say anything, since they weren't the teachers.
“Now, the person whose turn it is to host the meeting is the one to tell a story. They are mostly choosing stories from Matthew and Luke, since those are printed in our XXX language. They discussed and analyzed the story. Some people were quiet through most of it, but thankfully some of the non-leaders were willing to express their thoughts, and relate the story to their own personal experience, which is a new step.
“The leader has really picked up on the underlying concepts of what you and your team introduced. He mentioned today that some of your Thai team members helped him to see that there is more to most stories than he previously thought. By asking questions, and looking at details, you can get deeper, in order to help you remember the story.
“They mentioned that they are learning how to apply it to their own lives, comparing themselves to the characters in the story. The leader is also pulling in some of the questioning technique for using during his Sunday morning preaching, encouraging more thinking and interest.
“That is so wonderful, that church members are interacting with the Scripture on their own, and it's something we've been hoping for, for a long time. Thank you for being the catalyst for it!”
MORE on Non-Literate Indigenous Become Critical Thinkers
“Another thing that amazed me among the indigenous people was that they quickly went from a place of not being used to critical thinking to forming great questions of observation and application.
“Initially I thought it would be an uphill climb and a real battle, but it turned out really well, learning to not only think for themselves beyond, ‘What observations do we see in this story?’ type questions to asking incisive key-word questions.
“Everyone thought that this one lady, a non-literate, was not going to present a story at all as she hardly spoke Spanish and was in the category of non-literate. She slept through a lot of the up-front class - something seen as “normal” for women from the indigenous peoples!
“I encouraged the tribe leader to see if she would do the presentation in Spanish in full first and not let her know that there were two back up options (1: doing it in her tribal language and 2: doing story-only). He and the rest of the tribe were bowled over when the woman said she would do “it all” in Spanish! She did it and with only a little tribal language thrown in with translation for clarification purposes.
“One Ngabe man said it had given him the tools he needed to share the Gospel with his people.
“Another American man, going to a remote indigenous people with his wife, said that he had always struggled with sharing his faith, but that now he felt impelled forward and equipped for the task of his calling.
“One indigenous tribesman from Chiriqui said that he felt this was the missing element in reaching the youth and others in his village. He had been trying (in vain) to reach the youth with discipleship books and now he understood why it didn’t work and why he must use story from now on.
“Another tribesman is going back armed with a way to reach his non-literate kinsmen and to start a YWAM base in their province (San Blas) and he wants STS to come there so he can properly train his people.”