A Leader’s Summit, Glory to God
Prayer & Praise Report #2, February-March 2017
How Does God Work at an Asia Leader’s Summit?
As I looked at the group assembled in Cambodia, my heart leapt with amazement at the team the Lord brought together for our leaders’ summit. We had 17 people from 10 nations represented. Along with the varied nations, most of the leaders brought someone they are raising with them.
We spent time digging into Bible stories, discovering things like how when Jesus asked the man at the pool of Bethesda if he wanted to be healed. The man said there was no one to put him in the pool for healing (John 5:5-8). This story greatly encouraged one of our leaders who mentioned being convicted by giving excuses when Jesus spoke to her. New leaders were also blessed hearing what the seasoned leaders have experienced.
The teams are now focused on all Asia as well as their local countries. All are excited to work together as a team.
As a result of the summit, our leaders are now looking forward to several advanced trainings to help raise their leaders and solidify multiplication of depth in the Word of God for their country.
How Might Mexico Respond to the Word of God?
After a training in Mexico, the instructor received a phone call from one of the trainees. “’Jan’ was asked by her pastor to do a story for the main service yesterday morning, around 250-300 people. She was so excited because it went so well and the Pastors were impressed with the involvement of all the people.
“This is the church that is getting ready to change their discipleship to a home-group based style and the plan, according to the pastors, is that that they want to use STS as the foundational teaching tool…. both she and ‘a friend’ see what we do (STS) as an answer to a lifetime of prayer for the Mexican people.”
What Happens in Cambodia After an STS Leaders Summit?
After the summit, a team of trainers went to the Northeast part of Cambodia, another team stayed in Siem Rep, and a third team conducted training in Phnom Phen. This short report about what trainees want the most came from the village in the Northeast.
Our instructor shared, “Today, in the hottest part of the afternoon, when everyone took showers at lunch to beat the heat, our sugar cane seller showed up and didn’t make a dime. No one was willing to leave the ‘training’ to go get juice. Guess we have something sweeter?
“I thought the little boy pictured was pointing for sugar cane, but I realized a couple minutes later, this little boy loves his group so much, he was asking if he could bring his friend.”
After watching God’s Story during lunch, at least 2 tribal language house church groups now want to translate God's Story for their people. Please pray for God to provide everything that is needed.
The two leaders from Singapore are dynamic and “bubbly.” These two gals excite people about the Lord, and their enthusiasm breaks through the massive honor and shame wall that surrounds many Asian hearts.
The two ladies exuberantly talked to one of the Cambodian ladies in the night market. Imagine mixing Mandarin and Khmer! These girls told the story of Jesus leaving the 99 sheep to go after the one. By the time the story finished, the night market lady had accepted Jesus.
In Central Asia, Could Bible Stories Save?
A report received by one instructor, “At an English speaking Simply The Story club, a woman shared how she'd been so influenced by the story from two weeks ago that she'd been sharing it with her mom and with her English students. One of those students asked her how to be sure she was saved AND told her that because of [the teacher telling a Bible story] that [the 17 year old student] hadn't committed suicide.
Could These Deep Discussions Happen on the Streets in Israel Too?
Our instructor team returned from Israel thrilled beyond belief. The results continue to come to us from abroad. Several people have reported that their experiences talking to people on the streets have turned from fear to joy and enthusiasm with tremendous results. As one attendee said about another, “… she is glowing. She had the same experience that I did- people suddenly open up because the story stimulates interest! Back to the streets Thursday as follow up meeting.”
One lady reported, “There's just so much noise today we need to ‘be quiet’ and let the story communicate.”
Another couple’s experience using STS, “We're experiencing the same thing— requests to teach…."
One man visited a believer who had just been hospitalized for treatment for depression. The man wanted to have a Bible study with this man, but wasn't very optimistic about how successful it would be. By the Lord’s leading, the storyteller stated, “After some introductory talk, he opened up sharing his struggles while downgrading himself. … I proceeded to tell him the story of the Lord walking on the water. His eyes brightened and he began enjoying the interaction as we explored the passage using the spiritual observations and applications. He is now out of the hospital after only a week stay. This has really been an encouraging experience for me.”
New Languages of God’s Story Almost Done!
A team of amazing leaders traveled to Sierra Leone for recording several languages of God’s Story and conducting STS training. These languages are now in studio. We appreciate prayer for a timely production process.
Pray for Sudanese Refugees and Our Team in Uganda
From our leaders who have been ministering in the refugee camps, “We praise the Lord for the fruit of the workshops in the refugee camps Uganda. At the moment there are 62 settlements for South Sudanese refugees in Uganda alone with about one million refugees in Uganda alone.”
The team has returned for another 3 weeks to show God’s Story, teach STS, and minister to the hurting in the camps. This same team is preparing to help the Syrian refugees soon after returning from Uganda. Please keep them in prayer as they have been targeted. One member of the team had to stay home and is recovering from being attacked.
During the previous visit to Uganda, the team held 3 workshops with about 10 South Sudanese instructors in each workshop attended by about 250 trainees total.
Our leader shared, “Every day, after the workshop they sent trainees for 90 minutes of evangelism and storytelling. People did evangelism where they met families (and sometimes crowds) at their homes and presented Bible stories and many responded.
“During our visit, every evening for 23 nights we showed God’s Story … in eleven different locations and thousands of people came every night standing or sitting on the ground….Many responded to the message and prayed after watching and listening to the salvation message. Many pastors and church leaders confessed sin and expressed their need for STS Oral Bible Schools and STS training.
“We helped build five churches where believers cleared the land and cut some trees or bought some wood (In some places they cannot cut trees) and we bought iron sheets to cover the five churches. These are different denominations and different languages.”
The team gave or sold for a little money, Bibles and SD memory cards with different languages containing God’s Story, the Bible, STS material and more. They also gave people medicines and clothes, visited orphanages where they did Bible stories, provided some food and more.
There are now STS Oral Bible Schools in some camps with more to start soon.
Quick report from Germany.
The Iranians are telling stories to fellow Muzlm Iranians, and also telling the Bible stories in the coffee shop on Friday nights.
Have you enjoyed coffee with Koffi?
Staff on Mercy Ships continue spending time in the Word with Koffi! Our partnership to develop STS instructors on the ship continues to bless the staff, the day crew, and the patients.
Grateful to the Lord,
Executive Director
& The whole staff of The God's Story Project (TGSP)